Looking for a well-paid, flexible, part time job to help support your lifestyle whilst at college or University, with no late nights or drunk customers? Teaching swimming offers all of this and you don’t even have to be a great swimmer!
The Institute of Swimming is actively looking for students to become swimming teachers in a bid to solve the national swimming teacher shortage. The move follows Swim England’s stark warning that half a million children in England are currently missing out on learning to swim due to staff shortages.
Becoming a swimming teacher is an ideal job for students looking to help fund their activities and even their education. Being a swimming teacher is a very flexible part time job, which can fit around college and uni work. The Institute of Swimming’s training is a mixture of online and practical sessions, which has a 98% pass rate.
Waleed Ghafoory, 20, a student at University of Holloway says: “In comparison to my student flat mates I definitely have the best part time job! The work is rewarding, it’s certainly not boring – and I get treated with respect. I’ve never had to deal with drunk customers in restaurant or been bored working on a checkout till. Plus, it pays better than these jobs!
“When I was 16 there weren’t many part-time jobs available and I didn’t fancy working in a supermarket or a restaurant kitchen, so I thought the swimming assistant role would be a good choice. The training was really straight forward and I started assisting the swimming coaches and teachers at a swimming club.
“In the second year of my A Levels, during February half term, I completed my SEQ Level 2 Swimming Teacher qualification, which was fantastic because it didn’t impact my school work too much; it’s been the best decision. I’ve started my degree in Economics, but still work four afternoons a week, as well as holiday/sickness cover work. It works perfectly with university life, as most of my lectures/tutorials are during school hours, so from 3-6pm I can work at the pools.
“I’m now thinking about using my swimming teaching qualification to fund a gap year of travelling or living abroad – as there are lots of opportunities to teach swimming all around the world.”
Emily, 20, from Somerset, completed her training during her gap year. She says: “There is such a demand for swimming teachers that I can virtually pick and choose the days/hours I work. During my gap year I was teaching between 25-30 hours a week in the afternoons and at weekends.
“It’s such a pleasure to have a job where I am valued, respected and able to give something back to my local community. I love supporting the children; it’s wonderful to watch a child’s skills and confidence grow.”
Emily is now studying for a degree in Education with Psychology and is still teaching swimming at the weekend. She says: “I can’t wait to become a school teacher, and know my swimming teaching will help with my chosen career; my job applications will be looked on favourably because of my practical experience and qualifications in working with and coaching young people. Becoming a swimming teacher was originally about earning money. In reality, not only has it supported my income and studies, but it’s been fundamental in my personal development and future career. I can easily fit the work around my studies. There are no late nights and the environment is incredibly safe and unthreatening.”
Rebecca Cox, Managing Director, Institute of Swimming says: “We are looking to attract people who may not have considered teaching swimming as a job, and are finding that students make perfect swimming teachers. You can train to be a swimming teacher from the age of 16, there are no educational restrictions and you don’t need to be an expert swimmer either.”
Inspired to become a swimming teacher? There are two qualifications you will need to start your journey:
The SEQ Level 1 Swimming Assistant (Teaching) course is the first step and allows you to work as a swimming teaching assistant, supporting a fully qualified swimming teacher. Once you’ve completed this course it’s best to gain at least three months experience before moving on to the SEQ Level 2 Teaching Swimming course, which fully qualifies you to teach swimming lessons for children and adults.
Demand for swimming teachers is currently so high that some employers are supporting students with the full cost of the qualifications. Typically, initial qualifications cost around £395, but the Institute of Swimming also has special funded opportunities from £79, so don’t let a lack of funds stand in the way. Get in contact to find out how we can support you to become a swimming teacher. https://www.swimming.org/ios/