Graduate and Careers Advice - April 2020
Posted on Thursday, April 23, 2020 by Mohammmed Bagheri — No comments
The current health pandemic means university students have had to leave their campuses and study from home, a challenge for many up and down the country. To help those currently studying from home, Sarah Hall, Study Skills Coordinator at The University of Law, offers five tips for students to create a productive and effective home study space, as well as sharing real students’ own home study ...
Posted on Friday, April 17, 2020 by Mohammmed Bagheri — No comments
Clare Dignall author of Collins’ Negotiation Skills in 7 Simple Steps gives some valuable graduate advice on the importance of networking If there is one regret I have about University, it is that I didn’t understand the importance of networking. I locked myself away, studying into the small hours, thinking that was the key to success. What I didn’t realise was that, important as study was, I ...
Posted on Sunday, April 12, 2020 by Mohammmed Bagheri — No comments
New research shows how internships are essential to employment with businesses hiring more interns, increasing their salaries, investing in quality programmes and working harder to bring them back as employees. Employers hired 6% more interns in 2018 94% of employers encourage interns to return as employees 57% of interns offered jobs on graduate schemes 87% of interns who are offered jobs accept ...
Posted on Saturday, April 11, 2020 by Mohammmed Bagheri — No comments
11% of parents believe that their children are “too clever for an apprenticeship or school leaver programme 11% of parents believe that their children are “too clever for an apprenticeship or school leaver programme” 80.8% of students go to their parents instead of teachers for help making career decisions 45% of students mentioned pressure from parents, guardians and peers as key reasons for not ...